This is a quick overview of i.e. How to use it. It helps user understand the features and their flow. It is very easy to use and self-explanatory.
While at IncomeON you can get social with your friends/family and earn money. People from all over the world are the users of IncomeON who create accounts over to use social media only or to do business activities/make money or to do both i.e. earn money while socializing. If you are a new user just Sign up, if an already signed up user just Login
The IncomeON provides the following features:
- This is Free and will always will be
- It allows you to sign up/create account
- When you sign up at it allows you to Login with your Email id and Password
- IncomeON acts as a complete Social as well as Business tool. It provides you a complete social and business platform to track and manage your business, and social accounts.
- IncomeON is for everyone i.e. those who want to do business, create shops and post advertisement and for those who want to use a social network to earn money
- It allows you to manage your shops, posts, pages, advertisements, earnings, spending and friends.
- Allows you to add money into your account/recharge your account using PayPal, mobicash, easypaisa, Omni and western union.
- User can also withdraw the money from their accounts
- IncomeON allows you to manage the social side (add/delete friends into your friend list) as well as business side (add/delete products into your shop).
- Allows you to do live chat through iON Messenger with friends/family and business contacts separately.
- Allows you to put your privacy settings the way you want
- Allows to sell and buy (earn and spend)
- Allows to do actions like/dislike/comment/share/feed/promote
- Allows to join any favorite political party page to keep yourself updated
- Allows you to watch and post videos, videos can be posted from YouTube and daily motion etc by just copy and pasting URLs
- Allow user to enable Great Job feature for his/her own post and earn money whenever it is awarded by someone else, this money will directly go to the account of post owner.
In short, this is a complete social and business platform where your time becomes your money i.e. the more you spend the more you earn.
It is only 3-steps away to start using it and making money
- Sign Up
- Login
- Dashboard (like/dislike/comment/share, watching videos and great job)
Discover how 1,000's of individuals like YOU are making a LIVING from home and are fulfilling their dreams right NOW.